Humans & Love

​Sharing a post by Jaimee Mansfield.  She is a wife, mother,  friend, doula, photographer, encapsulates placentas and a pretty cool human being.  Check out her site

“Malachy wasn’t playing very nicely with Orryn, and while I tried to diffuse the situation, he erupted into hysterics which triggered me, which led to yelling. Then I calmed down, and tried to explain to him why I was upset and why what he did was not ok.  He purple screamed. I yelled again.  I stayed in another room to calm down, because we weren’t getting anywhere. I heard a flutter and a flump, and saw a paper on the floor. He made a card with the word mommy and a little heart man. And I basically ugly cried. And then invited him to talk to me. And then I made him a card. 

Because parenting isn’t about controlling your kids.  And sometimes it’s not even about controlling yourself. Sometimes it’s about being human and allowing everyone to learn from each other. It’s ok to own up to your mistakes and tell your kid you’re sorry for the way you treated them. They aren’t machines for us to program and control; they’re people too, and should be treated as such. You can only teach empathy if you practice it.  #parentingpsaoftheday”

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